It's Been Awhile

mindset movement props Jan 23, 2024

Hi there and welcome back to my blog! It's been a whirlwind of a time since my last post. Life's hectic pace meant I could only manage weekly video updates, but I'm thrilled to announce that I'm back to connect with you through my writing each week.

This year marks the beginning of an exhilarating adventure for me, and I'm eager to bring you along for every milestone. In 2024, I'm focusing on taking back my body, which has been overwhelmed by the challenging phase of peri-menopause, aging parents, a demanding day job, and a hectic family schedule.  Can you relate?

I'm determined and ready to regain control of me and my wellbeing - let's just say I've put "me" on the back-burner.  I've done exactly what I teach my clients not to do - but when you're in it, you. are. in. it.  And sometimes it's so murky, it's hard to see the way out.  But, I can see the light now. 

For most of my adult life, I've tried not to define my body by its size. However, recently, it's become a focal point I can't ignore. My clothes don't fit , and I mean, not even a little bit. After going up several sizes this year, I'm left feeling like I've lost a part of myself. Every reflection in the mirror or window shows me a stranger, and it's a surreal experience.  I don't like the feeling.  And the worst part?  I feel myself hiding, shying away from anything that brings attention to me.  

I refuse not to live my life fully.  I'm done.  

Change is on the horizon. I ended 2023 with some deep research and crafted a regimen that feels doable and sustainable for me. I'm excited to see how this journey unfolds and will definitely keep you updated on its effectiveness. Maybe it can help you if you feel like you're in a similar spot in life.

I'm so happy I have Pilates, it's kept me grounded through all parts of my life, especially now.  

Today I have a fun pilates workout for you with the big ball! If you haven't tried exercising with a big ball, you're in for a treat. It's an absolute game-changer because it leaves no room for shortcuts. It demands every muscle to engage, stabilize, and balance, ensuring a full-body workout.

I hope you give it a try and enjoy it as much as I do. Don't forget to drop your experiences and thoughts in the comments – I love hearing from you.  Thanks for joining me on this journey. Here's to a year of transformation and rediscovery!


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