The Three "M" System to Overcoming Aging

Uncategorized Oct 28, 2019

It's no longer called the life-span, we need to now think of it as our health-span.

In this Live video I did on Facebook, I talk about my 3 "M" system to optimal health.  Mind, Meals, and Movement.  

You need all three in order for the system to work.  One M can't work without the other.

And is M is designed to heal our stress.  Ultimately it's stress that's causing our symptoms.  Yes, there's stuff medically going on, but in a very general view, stress is the culprit.

Stress comes in three forms.

Physical: chronic body pain, injury, poor movement patterns or postural habits

Emotional: due to life experiences and how you interpret them

Metabolic: how your body is responding to everything you put into it (ie, food you're eating.)

These three forms of stress are wreaking havoc on your body and it's time to play the rest card.  It's time to learn how to properly heal the body so you can live for years and years with life and vitality. That's what I call the health-span. 

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