With our favorite gyms and studios closed for the time being, we all have been looking to "at-home workouts" to fill the void. I thought it would be a good time to help you monitor what an effective workout really means.
For many people, their indicator is “soreness”, but I want you to try to steer clear from that right now, because there’s too many factors involved with that ides such as -
As you get stronger, you may develop sore muscles, but this is no indication of whether the workout was “good” or not.
As an instructor, I like to tell my students to consider me as their guide. I can suggest where to go with an exercise or workout, I can coach and inspire, but I am not the reason for their effective OR ineffective workout. We are all responsible for our own movement.
With that being said, what are the signs of an effective workout? Here are my top 5.
If you’re looking for results, there's a difference between pain and mild discomfort. Yes, we’ve got to get uncomfortable to see results. I like to call it the "sweet spot", that place between effort and ease - where there’s a flow to it, yet there’s also a push too.
I do not believe in “no pain, no gain”, but I do believe in pushing yourself a bit. It’s in the uncomfortable that we see results. Isn't that true about life too? When you get yourself out of your comfort zone, amazing things can happen - new and exciting things. It’s the same for your workouts.
So the next time you do a workout, I want you to consider these five indicators, because it’s so much more than soreness.
And that brings me to today's workout using the ball and circle! Two great props to help you gain more mobility AND strength in each exercise, PLUS how fun is it to use props. Just like being on the playground. So HAVE FUN!
Oh, and if you want to workout LIVE with me - check out this week's SCHEDULE HERE.
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