Right now, fear is everywhere - pandemics, riots, and protests. Deep rooted fear.
As human beings, our main purpose is to deliver our talents and gifts, as well as to express our inner-BEingness, to the world . We're meant to shower the earth with creativity, new inventions and ideas, spontaneous goodness, resourcefulness, and love. Fear hijacks this BEingness making it impossible to create at the high level we were intended.
Every great change has come from someone imagining something different, something better during times of chaos and uncertainty. Nothing can ever change unless someone imagines the possibility in their mind first. It's our thoughts that lead to inspiration, that lead to action, and that eventually lead to transformation.
When we are stifled by fear, we can’t think straight, let alone imagine something better. Our body gets consumed by chemicals created from the stress and anxiety. Our minds get obsessed with aimless, incessant inner-chatter and compulsive thinking. Creativity is lost.
Creativity and imagination are inspired by connection and presence. Right now, we are consumed by our outer world and circumstances and we are more than ever, disconnected from ourselves and from others.
Yesterday, I went to the grocery store, even though I was wearing a mask, I tried to smile as I passed by other shoppers. Each and every one of them avoided my eye contact. As much as I tried, I couldn't connect with anyone. And then the fear I experienced from others transferred to me and I started fearing the fact that others were actually in fear of me! The fear was contagious.
We lose our power and human-ness with fear. Our communication and connection gets disconnected. We become estranged from our humanity.
I open my social media and I am in fear of what someone will comment under my post. Then I’m afraid to post anything in fear it’s not the right thing to say. There is so much anger and meanness consuming so many people right now. (Although I truly believe we are entering a phase of enlightenment, good things are coming!)
This anger, hatred, and discontent create chemistry in our body which then creates thoughts , which creates feelings (like chronic stress), which creates how we show up in the world, which then inevitably harms our health.
Health and wellness aren't just about eating and exercising, it’s about nourishing all areas of our life like relationships and emotional/mental well being. When we live in fear, we live in stress, and our gifts get lost way down within us.
The only way to release the fear is to connect to our BEingness and see beyond the outside circumstances. When we connect to our true selves, we see more than "what is", we see better.
Let's ask ourselves, how do we want to show up? What gifts do we want to give the planet? Who do we want to BE? Is what we believe helping us? Is it moving us and others forward? It's about the questions we are asking.
It's YOU and your gifts that will change this world.
Our "BEing" is our inner presence. As Eckhart Tolle says, "Beingness is deep within us. It is the innermost in-destructive essence of us. It is our deep self, our true nature." The only way to know your Being is to feel it. You can't think it. You can't understand it. You must FEEL it. You must get still, be present, and be in the NOW; feel the powerful energy inside you.
Turn off the TV. Unfollow on social media. Trust yourself. Fill your mind with positivity and inspirational stories, instead of the fear based ones. BE THE CHANGE. Yes, we need to be aware of what's happening around us, and as humans must live through all kinds of experiences, but if you're feeling triggered by things going on, it's time for the inner work. When you change your own inner stuff, you create a ripple effect and that ripple will help someone else make the change within themselves too. We are all connected.
We can’t sit back any longer. Our humanity depends on it. Rise above and shine that light that only you know how to give. You have so many gifts and the world needs them now more than ever. You are loved tremendously and you matter so much. In order to shine that beautiful soul of yours, you need to do the inner work, and find that glimmer of hope that will help you break away from the fear. Don’t let fear win!
In the midst of every storm, something better, bigger, and more beautiful comes through. It's nature's law. We gotta go through the messy to get to the light. Let’s be the transformation. Do not let fear take that from us. Do what you have to do. Learn something new. Take action where you are lead. Or maybe it's to Rest. Be.
We can do this. Fear will not win.
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