No, I'm Not a Yoga Teacher

Uncategorized May 27, 2021

Hi {{first_name}},

Recently, I've run into a few people who've asked me how my yoga classes are going.  I'm used to it, but there's still a part of me that wants to cry out, I'm a Pilates Instructor!

In recent years, the two methods have fused so much that it's hard to tell the difference.  But, if you study the traditional exercises taught by Joseph Pilates himself, you'll see a distinct difference.

Pilates is corrective exercise where the the body's coordination, posture, balance, and alignment are improved. Pilates is more concerned with efficiency - not duration, frequency, or intensity like traditional exercise.

And even though I'm your guide and teacher, NO ONE can tell you what's right for your body, only you can.  With the right Pilates instructor, you will be guided to become your own teacher.

Pilates is body conditioning at it's finest.  Study Pilates on a regular basis, and your body will be conditioned to take on any sport, activity, or rigorous physical exertion with ease.  Over time and with consistency, Pilates conditions the body to function at its most optimal level.

It took me YEARS to feel the real deep conditioning of Pilates and it was the small wins along the way kept me committed.  Staying consistent also taught me the value of real commitment because something deeper was at play -  the path to healing the damage I did to my body through years of sloppy high impact workouts and draining boring exercise routines. I finally found strength and harmony in my body like never before.  

Here's what I know - when you feel good in your body, life just feels better.  When you feel sick, tired, achey, stiff - your energy and focus are taken away from showing up as your big bad self.  You're in pure survival mode.  

With Pilates, it's not about the size of your body, shape of your body, or how well you look doing an exercise.  It's all about connecting  - to you, your body, the work, and to others around you in a deeper and more meaningful way.  When that connection happens, true magic happens through your mind AND body.

In today's video I talk about the benefits of having a regular Pilates practice in your life, and what it can truly do for you.  And if you're ready to begin your Pilates journey, come check out The Core Club.  We are a fantastic group if I do say so myself.  More info HERE.

 PS.  If you'd like to workout with me this week, come check out the LIVE workout I did with my Core Club!  You can find the workout HERE.


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