The BTC Philosophy

Uncategorized Feb 18, 2020

20 years.  Half my life dedicated to teaching health and fitness.  Kickboxing, step, bootcamp, HIIT, TRX, Body Pump, Spinning, and of course Pilates…

Always trying to fit a mold.

Never fitting.

What I realized - there is no fitness ideal.  And when I stopped trying to achieve it, I found a joy so deep, I made it my full time career.

The fitness industry is an unhealthy place for someone like me, who has struggled with weight since age 8. 

In the beginning, I loved the idea of teaching, but the thought of being in front of people terrified me.  I imagined them thinking, “Why would I want to take her class when she looks like that?”

But I had a huge desire.  20 years ago, fitness was SOOOOO different.  And I yearned for a community of like minded people coming together to support each other - no matter what our goals. I yearned for acceptance, compassion, balance, and most importantly - FUN!  I craved a place where we could drown out the noise of life and focus inward.  

Without really knowing it, I was molding a vision.  And that was a mold I could get my heart behind.

All the years teaching at big commercial studios, small boutique studios, client homes, my home….I was designing my vision.  And here it is today - Balanced to the Core (BTC).

BTC is a place...

  • that doesn’t believe in before and after photos - unless it’s a pic of you before and after you take class (it’s amazing how people glow after my workouts - the inner being completely lit up! Which makes me light up! )

  • where modifying postures means standing up for yourself in a confident way.

  • where working out is more about working in - actually listening to your body and what it needs - moving in a way that is empowering and energizing.

We are all unique individuals.  We all come from different experiences and conditions.  So our bodies need and want different things.  I never wanted to be the teacher that commanded my clients to do what I told them.  I wanted to be their guide to help them understand their body more.  I made sure to tell my clients why they were doing certain exercises and how to do them properly.  And from there, I asked them to listen. 

If anything doesn't feel right - do something else - or modify.  It's important to take care of our bodies in kind, intelligent, and explorative way.  We can learn so much from our bodies when we listen.  They talk to us all the time, and they know so much more than than we do! 

For many people, modifying means weakness.  And that’s so not the case.  It’s actually the complete opposite. 

Modifying means inner strength, confidence, and standing up for yourself, which trickles into how you live your life. 

And inner strength leads to outer strength.

Working out does not have to mean beating yourself up so much that you feel depleted by the end.  I want you to feel energized, uplifted, ready to take on your day! 

At BTC we explore the body so you learn more about what it needs.  You become a detective of your body so your everyday living becomes easier and more enjoyable.  You actually feel like you’re aging backwards because of the improved aches and pains and increased fluidity of movement.

I love thinking of my workouts as practices.  Each time having my clients explore a new idea.  Such as...

  • what if I pushed a little deeper in this posture - even one inch - what would it feel like?

  • What if I pulled my shoulders down my back a bit more and lifted taller from my waist - how would my back feel? Would it get rid of the pain or stress?

  • What if I modified to my knees so I feel less in the wrists? How does the feeling change in the body - do I feel my core more?

  • What if I stopped to rest instead of pushing through when it doesn’t feel right? Will I come back stronger?

When you focus like this in class, it helps propel you forward in your everyday life.  You’ll feel more present and focused in life.

Yes, I am a Pilates instructor.  But, life is not compartmentalized.  It ALL works together. 

When you "workout" with me, you work on all aspects of you (body, mind, being) so you can be the best version of you - every single day.  

If you want to workout with Gretchen, check out her Online Programs.  You can also workout LIVE with her - that's virtually in REALTIME!  How fun is that??  You can find the LIVE schedule here

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