YOU Are Your Own SuperPower

Uncategorized Jul 02, 2019

I stopped doing diets about three years ago and before then I was on a chronic diet since basically the age of 12.  For 28 years, I was CONSTANTLY on and off a diet.  How exhausting...

I’m not sure if it’s because I hit 40 or because of the exhaustion, but I finally got it.  Diets (any kind of program that involves restriction) don't work; instead, they set you up for failure.

If you were to step back and look at the way you treat your body, would you be happy?  Would you think, yes, I love my body? 


Does looking at your body bring you pain or feelings of inadequacy?  Do you treat your body from a place of pain or a place of love?

Often I write about the importance of self-love, carving out time in your day to truly take care of you.  And yes, I often hear how there isn’t enough time or money to do that.  And listen, I get that.  I really do.  I’m right here living it.  However, if we don’t take the time to self-care, then what kind of life are we truly living?

The self-care will help give you the tools you need during the times you need it most. 

It's easy to take care of yourself when you're feeling good.  But when you're in exhaustion mode - kids not sleeping through the night, money tight and stressful, a huge project at work that has you working from morning to night- it's super important you keep up with the self-care.  Plus all the self-care you did going up to these stressful times will form a solid foundation beneath you that will support you through the hard times.   

I finally made self-care a must when I discovered my personal mission... my purpose.  I’ve found a deeper reason to jump out of bed in the morning. 

When I discovered this purpose, my actions changed. 

I lived more in alignment with my core values - from the way I ate, moved, worked, mommed, and showed up in the world.    It naturally took its course.  (And listen, I still have those “bad days”, but I pick myself up much faster now.)

Nothing comes easy.  But then again, easy is boring, right?

So, what’s going to move you through the pain?  Through the “hard”.  Through the tiredness, lack of money, lack of time, and all the other excuses.

What’s going to get you to finally treat yourself as #1. 

It’s gotta go deeper than you think.  It’s gotta hit in a place that takes no S#@t.  It's gotta go big and bad and have you strutting through life with your own pumped-up theme song. 

You've got to create a mission for your life that’s to be the best gosh darn version of you, no matter where you are in life. 

We live in a time of instant gratification - food, drugs, alcohol, social media…. Things that can fill a void and numb pain on the spot.

The only thing these dopamine hits and instant highs can guarantee is a crashing fall. 

One that leaves you feeling worse than before and it creates an ugly cycle that can feel nearly impossible to break.

We’re here for a short time.  What do you want to do with that time?   The world needs your unique perspective.  It needs you to show up.  It needs you to bring it ON. 

So, what were you brought here to do?  If you’re unsure of what that is, then it’s time to figure it out.  What’s your purpose?  What truly, deeply, incredibly fills you with utter joy?  What can you spend hours at a time doing and feel like no time passed at all? 

If you don’t know yet, that’s OK.  Just promise to search for it.

Nothing should dull your light.

Not other people, not the feelings you have for your body, not your ailments or hardships.  Those are just things.  They are not you.  You are meant to shine.  You are meant to brighten this world. 

You want to brighten this world together?  Come do Pilates with me!  Your first two weeks are free. 



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